April 29, 2019
CONGRATULATIONS to our “Top 8” winners of the Pizza Hut Book It Challenge! These super readers each read over 10,000 minutes during the school year, with our top two reading over 43,000 minutes! Winners got the first pick of “Book It”prizes in the library this morning.
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April 18, 2019
Many thanks to all of our school families that donated new and gently used books during Right to Read week. Over 1100 books were collected to be given to the Job and Family Services Center. As a reward for surpassing our goal of 1000 books, students were permitted to be out of uniform on Thursday, Aprl 18th.
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April 18, 2019
Eighth grade students spent the day on Tuesday, April 16th at St. Leo the Great Church and St. Leo's Food Pantry for their service project. Divided into six work groups, students helped to clean the church and prepare it for Easter, cleaned up the grounds outside, washed parish vans, and worked in the food pantry. After lunch, they put together 125 Easter goodie bags for the children of St. Leo's parish. St. Leo's parish is a poor parish within our archdiocese with a diverse population including refugees from Burundi and many who are immigrants from Guatemala. The area of Cincinnati in which St. Leo's is located is considered to be a "food desert" with no grocery stores or places to buy food in the community. Many people are in great need of the services provided by the church and the food pantry which provides food for over 1000 people a week. Click on article title to view more photos.
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April 10, 2019
“As you did it to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.” Mt. 25:40 Seventh grade students went to Matthew 25 Ministries yesterday, Tuesday, April 9th. In addition to sorting clothing donations and pad products, they were given an educational tour in which they had virtual experiences of the aftermath of natural disasters and life in impoverished areas. Throughout this service project, our seventh graders learned about the mission of Matthew 25 Ministries and Christ’s call to do works of mercy.
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April 2, 2019
A "rad" time was had by all at our 2nd Annual Mother-Son Dance, "Let's Glow 80's Crazy"! Our students and their mothers dressed the part in their totally tubular costumes, and enjoyed dancing to some 80's tunes and playing a few games. Thank you to all of our volunteers who made this special night possible! Click on the article title to see more photos.
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