October 28, 2019
On Friday, October 25, our eighth grade class spent the day at Camp Kern for a day full of fun-filled leadership and team building activities. Click on the title to view more photos. This was their first of three class field trips this year. In the spring, they will have breakfast while cruising the Ohio River on B & B Riverboats before attending a Cincinnati Reds game and will also travel to Columbus, Ohio to visit The Ohio State House, Ohio Supreme Court and COSI.
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October 28, 2019
Last week, in honor of Red Ribbon Week,and as part of their D.A.R.E. program, fifth grade students promoted drug free awareness by selling 25 cent candy grams during lunch periods. A record number of candy grams were delivered to students, faculty and staff! Thank you to everyone who participated to help raise drug free awareness among our students. The monies raised will offset the costs of the D.A.R.E. graduation program and the remaining will be donated to a charity (to be determined).
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October 21, 2019
Congratulations to the cast & crew of our talented Performing Arts Troupe for their fall performance of Twinderella, a story about Cinderella and her long lost twin brother, Bob. All students grades K-8 enjoyed a performance of the show during school hours on Friday, October 18th. That same evening, our troupe returned to school for round two with an audience filled with families and friends. Click on the title to view more pictures.
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October 16, 2019
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the huge success of our annual Walk for Technology! We reached our donation goal and as a reward, will be off school on Monday, November 25, 2019, giving us entire week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. The funds raised will be allocated to five new card scanners on major entry doors to be placed throughout the school. These doors will enhance the safety of our school and require scan cards for faculty & staff entrance into the school. Click on the photo to view more pictures from our Walkathon.
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October 7, 2019
Junior High students recently gathered for a retreat in Daniel Hall at St. John Neumann Parish. They were greeted by a NET Ministries team of twelve young adults who were excited to share the love of Christ with them through games, skits, personal witness, small group discussion, prayer, and quiet reflection. The theme for the retreat was “Fully Alive.” It explored our search for finding true happiness, highlighting the one thing that is big enough to fill our deepest desires –God. Students learned that prayer, sacraments, fellowship, and service are all important ways grow in meaningful and fulfilling relationships with God and others. It was a great day of personal reflection and fun faith formation. (To learn more about NET Ministries, visit netusa.org or facebook.com/netministriesusa.)
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October 2, 2019
A big thank you to all of our school families that donated and volunteered for the St. John the Baptist Parish event, Create the Good. They tied knots in 84 "no sew" fleece blankets for Pregnancy Center West, filled 246 bags with childrens personal care item for Hope's Closet, made countless greeting cards for Vivian's Victory and filled bags with 130 swim trunks, 115 beach towels, 87 bottles of sunscreen, $300 in gift cards and 41 games, puzzles, and playing cards for the youth program at Santa Maria Community Center. This was a great example of living out our school mission statement by being "heralds of God's love in the world."
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