We had a fantastic turn-out for our Open House on Sunday, January 26th! Thank you to the planning committee and to all the parent and student tour guides who did an amazing job welcoming our prospective students and their families to St. John's. What a great way to kick-off Catholic Schools Week by sharing our Blue Jay Pride with the community!
Our Student Council sold 2400 Thankfulgrams and raised $602 for the Corpus Christi Food Pantry! Students had the opportunity to send a peppermint to fellow students and/or teachers with a note attached that said "You mint a lot to me." A big thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser to benefit those in need!
Congratulations to the cast & crew of our Performing Arts Troupe for their fall production of "Princess Who?" The play was an entertaining, fun-filled, fairy-tale mystery adventure featuring everyone's favorite fairy-tale characters.
A heartfelt thank you to our Blue Jay families for their generous Walkathon donations that allowed us to not only reach our $12,000 goal, but exceed it by raising over $18,000! As a way to give back to the Owens family in honor of our beloved PTO President, Jodi Owens, St. John's presented them with a check for $8012. Jodi passed away on August 31 after her courageous fight with breast cancer.
What better way to celebrate this year’s school theme, “Bloom Where You Are Planted,” than to have your faculty plant their own little succulents during a professional development day. Thank you to Ms. Parks-Kroner for leading us for our religious in-service and to Rob & Trisha Maddux for the beautiful little succulents!
Students from St. John the Baptist School (5th-7th grade), along with other students across Colerain Township showed off their talent and creativity for the upcoming Grand Opening of the Cinfed Credit Union Colerain branch. Inspired by this year’s theme “Reach for the Stars,” they painted what they imagine when looking up into the night sky. We are so proud that our piece is a part of The CinFed Community Art Wall and can't wait for it to be revealed during next week's Grand Opening! Click on the title above to see photos of our art work's progression!
Congratulations to the St. John's Class of 2024! As they head off to eight different high schools in the fall, we wish them the best of luck and can't wait to see all the great things they do!
During our May Crowning ceremony, we honored Mary, our Heavenly Mother. Students processed into church with beautiful flowers to place beneath her statue and our Student Council president placed a wreath of flowers upon Mary’s head.
Congratulations to the St. John's Performing Arts Cast & Crew for their extraordinary performances of Annie Jr.! A big thank you to our amazing Directors, Amy Eyers & Nancy Huey, for all they do to make this program possible for our students and to Erica Rawlings for managing our Stage Crew.
Support your SJB Student Council and Corpus Christi Food Pantry by participating in Spirit Week from March 19-22! For a donation of $1 per day OR 1 canned good per day, students may be out of uniform according to the following themes: Tuesday, 3/19: High School or College Day (tops and socks only) Wednesday, 3/20: Decades Day (tops and socks only) Thursday, 3/21: One Color Day (tops and socks only) Friday, 3/22: Comfy As Can Be Day (completely out of uniform).
Fine Arts Night was an astounding success! A big thank you to Mrs Jennifer Ossenschmidt (Music) and Mrs. Kathy Jungkunz (Art) for all the hard work & planning that went into this special evening devoted to celebrating art and music in our school. We are so proud of our very talented first, second and third grade students for their entertaining musical performances and amazing art work!
We loved celebrating our Catholic school last week! Thank you to all those involved in the planning and execution of a meaningful and fun-filled week for our students. Special events included out of uniform days, a service project for the Animal Adoption Foundation, CSW Mass at St. Peter's in Chains Cathedral , a candy raffle, an interactive motivational juggling presentation by Tom Sparough, veterans sharing their experiences with our students, making Valentines for veterans and the annual 8th Grade vs. Faculty & Staff Volleyball Game. Click on the article title above to view more photos of all the events.
A big thank you to all the prospective families who visited our school yesterday during our Open House! If you missed our event and would still like to learn more about what St. John's has to offer your children, please contact the school office at 513-385-8010.
Meet George Snowington, a "Snowcial Studies" snowman! Whenever we have a snow day, Ms. Dreyer challenges her students with the task of building a historical figure snowman. We think this representation of George Washington is pretty amazing!
Over Thanksgiving break, an amazing team of volunteer elves transformed our art room into a magical wonderland of holiday gifts! We loved seeing the pure joy that this shopping opportunity brought to our students as they selected and purchased gifts for their family, friends and even pets! A big thank you to Laura Monti, Nikki Middleswarth, Betsey Miyahara and all the PTO volunteers for all their hard work in putting this event together for our students.
Thank you to all those who attended our School Spectacular Gala on November 11 and to those who supported the event online. A very special thank you to our event Co-chairs, Ahna Nichols & Erika Tonne, and their committee for their hard work and dedication to our largest fundraiser of the year.
Our student bookstores are now open for business every morning from 7:45-8:00 am. If your child is running low on any basic school supplies, they can purchase items such as pencils, crayons, notebooks, index cards, white out, etc. at one of the three bookstores located throughout the building. The bookstores are run by 8th grade students, giving them a great opportunity for service and leadership.
Our walkathon this year, “Red, Walk & Blue Jay” was in honor of our Business Manager, Mrs. Cathy Dreyer, who passed away in July after a courageous battle with cancer. Together we raised $12,770 for building improvements that she wanted for St. John's. During the walkathon, students had the opportunity to write "Messages to Heaven" for Mrs. Dreyer and other loved ones.